Thursday, 30 November 2017

representation on the front pages

1. Who is being represented in the image?
The image on the front cover shows a black male assumably from a lower-class back round, wearing a stereotypical chav track suit.
2. Is this a stereotype?
This is a very big stereotype of a chav stye look. There is a large negative view on chavs in regards to crime and this feeds to this stereotype
3.How is thus stereotype being represented?
The photo shows a person in front of a blazing car showing power aggression and evil.
The person is very mysterious as he is covered up in cloths creating a mystery in regards to his idetifcation.
4. The text is used to show how drastic the riots have gotten. The very large text really emphasise the anarchy that is going on in London. There is also a smaller text above that in red which could represent blood.
5. This type of report fits in well with the codes and conventions of the sun tabloid. The large title and aggressive photo would not be found on a paper such as the economist for example.

1. on the front cover rebekah vardy and a murder story have been shown. this offers a wide range of hard and soft news.
2. The picture of the rebekah vardy is stereotypical of a footballers wife being that there is a modelling pose and style picture the cover. As for the murder report it is also stereotypical as there is a large font screaming murder to catch your eye and attention.
3. Rebeka Vardy is being represented to be pretty and glamours like most footballer wives which could potentially be perceived as sexist. The murder case is presented with the victims together and a mug shot of the murderer. Both very stereotypical paper lay out.
4. The Vardy story is at the top next to the title sort of like bait for people who see the model and then see the paper name and potential remember the paper and buy it again. The main sooty is then blew that with a large black font again as a eye catching trap.
5. This dose fit with the code and conventions of the daily mirror tabloid. e.g Large fonts, Colloquial language and large pictures.

Daily Mirror
1. The person being represented in this photo is very much like the daily mirror in that there is an equal balance between soft and hard news. The hard news is being represented by a murderer and the sift ones by Prince Harry ex girlfriend.
2. The murderer isn't very stereotypical as they aren't very frequent however the photo of harrys ex is one of a fashion walk or red carpet you present her as very glamorous.
4. the text used here is large and bold designed to stick out for the bellfield article. As well as theft news of Harrys ex there is a large text box over her body drawing the readers attention further that article or paper as a whole.
5. This cover fits in with the code and conventions of the sun. The two soft news article and one hard news article represent the type of people who read the paper as they usually prefer softer articles.
The Sun

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

BFI trip summary

Mainstream vs independant

Jungle book- mainstream 
High budget
Well known director
Well known actors
A know film company
Links to other forms of media
Sound track

I Daniel Black- Independant
Lower budget
Smaller actors
Smaller directors
Political point

Synergy- Multiple companies coming together
Convergence- Marketable on multiple platforms


Triple a game- Large game
oligopoly- Game market dominating companies


Hard v Soft news



We media-People reporting before reporters due to social media access.

Monday, 6 November 2017


Gatekeeping is a term applied to the editing or formatting of media. It controls what is shown and what is hidden from each published form of news.

Gilete advert

Gillette Advert

This Advert uses what men desire most in life as a way of selling their product. For example Being good at sport and having a loving family are what a lot of men look for in life and the advert says that by using our product this will happen to you. It was thought that this advert was sexist however I believe this to be wrong and that the advert is only advertising to the largest proportion of men who are going to buy this product. Out of every man who sees this advert most of them would want a lifestyle like this and would buy the product. There us also a secondary audience where women or wife's se this and think I would like my husband to be like this and buy the product for their partner.

News papers

News papers

The sun- Tabloid
The mail- Tabloid
The telegraph- Broadsheet
The daily star- Tabloid
The guardian- Tabloid
The daily mail- Tabloid
The evening standard- Tabloid

Political stance
Image result for Newspaper left and right

News values

Galtung and Rouge came up with a points system along with a list. The list has 8 Things that make a good story or report with each part being worth 1 point. The more points a story has the better it is and the further to the front page the story goes.

Threshold- The size of the impact
Unexpectedness- The unexpectedn3ess that comes along with the story.
Negativity- How sad or aggressive a story is. People like sad story's.
Elite Person- The importance of the persons involved.
Unambiguous- Easy stories.
Personalisation- The amount of human interest.
Proximity-How close to home it is.
Continuity- How easy it is to update and follow up on the story it is.

Media Boys aftershave reviews


Our media task was to produce a aftershave for pre teenage boys, our audience was younger boys and our product name was evolve.

We were in a group of 5 people and divided our work into planning, filming and editing and on the day of the shoot we all pitched in with ideas.

We planned or sequence using story boards. This way we could clearly label and draw our ideas so that we knew what and when to shoot.

Whilst planning this we had to think about cast and who could play the roll of a young boy. Seeing as we older than the target age we decided to use on of our group members younger brothers to play the role of the young boy. We asked our self's in the group what we liked at that age and tried to incorporate that into the advert to make it more relatable.

The initial feedback of the advert was that it was shot and edited well however was too long and had to be cut down to the average advert time

I think the way we worked together as a tam went really well and it was just the length of the advert that was the issue. If we were ever to redo the advert we would take more care in time management whilst editing and make sure it was shorter and maybe reduce the idea into a more simple idea. We have learnt that by having roles and sticking to them really helps with group efficiency and helps produce a good final piece

In the future I would defiantly prioritise assigning roles before we start anything as large projects defiantly require team work.

Life in east Germany 1980

When initially split in 1949 West Berlin was very relaxed in regards to the border and censorship, Citizens were allowed to openly travel in...